Warning: Undefined array key "matrix" in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/dbtgr/htdocs/motifsearch.php on line 47

Warning: Undefined array key "matrix" in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/dbtgr/htdocs/motifsearch.php on line 66
 DBTGR - DataBase of Tunicate Gene Regulation
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DataBase of Tunicate Gene Regulation
Version 1.0
Last updated January 3rd, 2006.

Consensus search[help]

Using this form, you can search all the promoter sequences present in the database based on a given consensus sequence and the maximal number of mismatches allowed.

Consensus search
Search for sites matching the consensus sequence and containing at most mismatch(es)

The following letters can be used:
A, C, G, T,
K (G or T), M (A or C), R (A or G), S (C or G), W (A or T), Y (C or T),
B (C, G or T), D (A, G or T), H (A, C or T), V (A, C or G),
N (A, C, G or T).
Other letters will be counted as a mismatch.

Weight matrix search[help]

Using this form, you can search all the promoter sequences present in the database base on one of the weight matrix provided by DBTGR, JASPAR or on your own weight matrix.

Weight matrix search Search for sites using the weight matrix and this threshold

Warning: Undefined array key "matrix" in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/dbtgr/htdocs/motifsearch.php on line 215
No matrix