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DataBase of Tunicate Gene Regulation
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Gene product: Brachyury
Organism: C. intestinalis
Summary of experimentsMinimal promoter is 483 bp (Corbo 1997)

Ci-ZicL binds to 5'-CCCGCTGTG-3', the central GCTG bases being critical for binding in vitro (Yagi 2004)

The following elements were identified:
TSS at -23
TATA box: from -71 to -66

Region 1 (from -24 to -211) serves for activation of expression in muscle and mesenchyme (Corbo 1997)

Region 2 (from -212 to -322) is essential for expression in notochord (Corbo 1997a, Corbo 1998)

Region 3 (from -323 to -457) is responsible for repression of expression in mesenchyme and muscle (Corbo 1997, Fuijwara 1998)

Mutations in the ZicL binding sites result in loss of activation in notochord (Yagi 2004)

Ci-Su(H) activates expression in notochord (Corbo 1998)

Mutations in sna1 or sna2 result in the derepression of Ci-Bra in tail muscle. sna1 and sna2 need to be close to Su(H) binding sites. (Fujiwara 1998)

Downstream of Ci-Rga. Loss of expression if Ci-Rga is knocked-out (Hamada 2005).
Activity reported

Ci-ZicL regulates Ci-Bra in notochord in C. intestinalis (6, 11, 12, 13, 14)

Ci-SuH regulates Ci-Bra in notochord in C. intestinalis (6, 11, 12, 13, 14)
Reporter construct expression
Name Gene Size Tissue Construct
Ci-Bra-Basal Ci-Bra 528 not detected
Sequences available
ID Gene Description Organism Dataset Dataset ID
s00057 Ci-Bra Mapping of the Ci-Bra-Basal expression vector insert C. intestinalis JGI 1 blat
s00134 Ci-Bra Mapping of the Ci-Bra-Basal expression vector insert C. intestinalis JGI 2 blat
s00195 Ci-Bra -3000:+200 region of ci0100134430 C. intestinalis JGI 1 ci0100134430
s00196 Ci-Bra -3000:+200 region of ci0200299335 C. intestinalis JGI 2 ci0200299335
s00197 Ci-Bra -3000:+200 region of ENSCING00000000810 C. intestinalis JGI 2 ENSCING00000000810
  1. Kusakabe T. (2005). "Decoding cis-regulatory systems in Ascidians." Zoolog Sci 22:129-146. (PUBMED)
  2. Corbo, J.C., Levine, M., Zeller, R.W. (1997). "Characterization of a notochord-specific enhancer from the Brachyury promoter region of the ascidian, Ciona intestinalis." Development 124:589-602. (PUBMED)
  3. Corbo, J.C., Fujiwara, S., Levine, M., Di Gregorio, A. (1998). "Suppressor of Hairless activates Brachyury expression in the Ciona embryo." Dev Biol 203:358-368. (PUBMED)
  4. Fujiwara, S., Corbo, J.C., Levine, M. (1998). "The Snail repressor establishes a muscle/notochord boundary in the Ciona embryo." Development 125:2511-2520. (PUBMED)
  5. Yagi, K., Satou, Y., Satoh, N. (2004). "A zinc finger transcription factor, ZicL, is a direct activator of Brachyury in the notochord specification of Ciona intestinalis." Development 131:1279-1288. (PUBMED)